Terms and Condition

This Agreement sets forth the legally binding terms and conditions governing the acquisition and use by you, the "Customer", of D Club (the "Service").

1.1 D Club is an automatically renewable subscription service that provides electronic content to subscribers in the form of downloadable games or in HTML5.

1.2 All D Club content does not belong to Maroc Telecom and is made available by third-party developers. For this reason, Maroc Telecom assumes no responsibility for the games, their integrity, their functionality or the authorizations granted by the customer when accessing the content.

1.3 The customer is informed that the use of D Club and its content requires an Internet connection (wifi, GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 4G or other).

1.4 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that by subscribing to the Service, all fees and charges are due, regardless of whether the Customer's Mobile Equipment meets any compatibility criteria at the time of subscription. No reimbursement will be made by Maroc Telecom on the grounds that the customer is unable to access the service due to the absence of compatible mobile equipment.

1.5 Internet access and any data traffic associated with downloading and using the Service will be billed appropriately by the Customer's respective mobile network provider. Maroc Telecom may, at its sole discretion, exempt the user from data traffic charges associated with downloading content, on a temporary basis, and the customer acknowledges that this exemption may be terminated at any time.

1.6 To subscribe to the service, the customer must be of legal age (over 18) or be assisted, where applicable, by their parents or legal guardians.

1.6.1 In the event of access to the service or purchase by minors, the responsibility for access rests with the payer of the invoice of the mobile network provider concerned, who will be presumed to have given the authorization to the minor to use the service. Maroc Telecom will not be held responsible for the inappropriate or involuntary use of the applications or the involuntary acquisition of products. The legal guardian/contractor is solely responsible for the maintenance and conservation of the mobile equipment necessary for the use of the service.

1.7 Maroc Telecom cannot be held responsible for the customer's inability to connect to the Internet, or for the availability of any third-party or Internet link to the service. The customer acknowledges that Maroc Telecom makes no warranty or representation that the service will meet the customer's needs or any particular objective.

1.8 Maroc Telecom shall not be held responsible for any form of advertising and/or the content of advertising banners, pop-up windows and any other advertising format appearing on the websites and applications of third parties made available by the service and its portals. Responsibility for such content lies solely with the advertiser or its legal representatives.

1.9 The customer acknowledges that given the nature of these services, Maroc Telecom cannot guarantee that the service will be uninterrupted or error-free.

1.10 Maroc Telecom assumes no responsibility for damages or losses suffered as a result of the customer's access to bogus sites and portals which imitate the pages of the service and which are not governed by these terms of use.
1.11 The customer acknowledges that under no circumstances Maroc Telecom can be held liable for any damage or loss incurred as a result of:

(i) Customer's use or inability to use the Service;
(ii) Sharing of personal information with social networks in association with the service;
(iii) Unauthorized access to user data or data transmissions, or any alteration of personal data resulting from unauthorized access;
(iv) Acts and conduct of third parties on the Service;
(v) Force majeure or fortuitous event or any act performed by the client.

1.12 Maroc Telecom will not reimburse any amounts billed to the customer for the following complaints:
(i) Incompatibility between hardware and software employed by Customer and the Service;
(ii) Customer's Mobile Equipment failing to meet the minimum requirements to run the Applications;
(iii) False expectations or errors attributable to the customer;
(iv) Customer's failure to observe any policy referred to in these Terms and any instructions available in the Service portals and websites;
(v) Acts of bad faith;
(vi) Withdrawal of the customer after the service has been granted.

1.13 Even if the customer is able to use the service, it is his responsibility to act in accordance with the principles and in compliance with the rules of the service, expressly as they are presented, without guarantees or other conditions not expressly stated. in these terms of use. The content made available by the service is determined at the discretion of Maroc Telecom. All content is the sole responsibility of the content owner for quality, accuracy, reliability, reliability, information, opinion, representation, warranties, and publicity of any kind.

1.14 Maroc Telecom shall not be held responsible for modifications or withdrawals of applications or content providers from the service and the consequences of these modifications. The customer acknowledges and accepts that these modifications and withdrawals are inherent to the service.

1.14.1 Maroc Telecom will make reasonable efforts to obtain applications similar to those withdrawn from the service.

2.1 Customers are billed at 10 DH per week as long as they remain subscribed, regardless of the use they make of the applications to which they are entitled.

2.2 Customers who subscribe to the service through a Maroc Telecom business partner will be billed on their monthly statements or debited from their prepaid credit balance for the total amount mentioned above in 2.1. Each charge can be split into consecutive months, based on the number of weeks the customer has been active in the service during each billing cycle.

2.3 Customers whose prepaid credit balance remains zero for a long period of time while they still have access to the service, in accordance with these terms of use, may be charged in whole or in part after recharging their credit balance, depending the number of weeks they have been active in the service.

2.4 Additional charges may apply in accordance with applicable law.

2.5 Prices are subject to change without notice and may vary depending on the purchase channel. Customer acknowledges that prices that differ from those described in these Terms of Use will be advised at the time of purchase.

3.1 The customer can subscribe to the service as follows:

- Visit homepage - https://magames.dclub.mobi/

- Choose the type of subscription and the appropriate payment method

- Then confirm the payment and enjoy access to the best mobile games.

4.1 The customer can unsubscribe from the service in the following way:

Go to the "My Account" page https://magames.dclub.mobi/ English/MyAccount.aspx?ctg=MARDCLUB and follow the instructions.

4.1.1 Upon cancellation, Customers lose access to all Applications previously installed as part of the Service.

4.2 No cancellation fees are due in the event of cancellation. Regular subscription fees that may be due at the time of termination may still be charged to the customer.

4.3 Until the customer requests to be unsubscribed from the service through one of the channels mentioned above, the subscription will be automatically and continuously renewed.

4.4 Maroc Telecom reserves the right to terminate the service without notice, at its sole discretion, in the event of abusive or fraudulent use of the service by the customer, in which case there is no right to any compensation.

The website https://magames.dclub.mobi/including the underlying software technology and more broadly all the elements composing them in particular the logos, domain names, visuals, texts are protected by intellectual property rights and/or other rights that IAM owns or which it is authorized to use.

These elements must only be used by the Customer in the context of normal use of the Service and for exclusively private and non-commercial purposes.

Except in the cases authorized by law and in the absence of prior authorization from IAM and/or its assignees, any other use of the Service or any reproduction of the elements of the Service is strictly prohibited and will be sanctioned.

IAM undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights of rights holders and similarly requires the user, who undertakes to do so, to respect Moroccan and international laws which criminally and civilly penalize counterfeiting, circumvention of technical protection devices or information on intellectual property rights, and damage to computer systems.

The personal data relating to the Client (the "Data") collected by IAM is processed in accordance with Law No. 09-08 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. IAM takes the appropriate measures to ensure the protection and confidentiality of the Data it holds or processes in compliance with the provisions of the said Law. The Data collected as part of the subscription to the Service or during its use by the Customer is subject to computer processing. Said Data is used by IAM for the purposes of the execution of the present, for the information of the Customer on the subscribed Service as well as for the adaptation of its offers of products and services to the needs of the Customer. In addition, by subscribing to the Service, the Customer expressly authorizes IAM to:

The Customer has with regard to his Personal Data, under the conditions set by the aforementioned Law and free of charge, a right of access, information, rectification and, where applicable, opposition for legitimate reasons. from IAM.

6.1 Maroc Telecom reserves the right to modify or change, at any time and without notice, these conditions of use.

6.2 Any omission or tolerance by Maroc Telecom to require strict compliance with the obligations or to exercise any right arising from these conditions does not constitute a novation or a waiver and does not affect its right to exercise it at any time.

6.3 If any provision of this instrument is held to be null, void, illegal or unenforceable by a court, that determination shall not affect the validity of the other provisions, which shall remain in force.

6.4 Maroc Telecom will have the final say on any matter not covered in this Agreement.

6.5 Each of the services provided by Maroc Telecom through its sites and portals is subject to its own general conditions. By accessing or using the service, the customer acknowledges having carefully read all the applicable conditions, which form an integral part of these conditions.